Living the London Life

Central London is bustling. Running down the escalators I notice my tube arrive. Still running, I hear beeps and as if on cue, I launch myself into the carriage. My bag is stuck in the door as I am pushed and shoved, surrounded by sweaty businesspeople desperate to get home. There isn’t a drop of […]

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Stop thinking, Start living!

Hours and hours and hours a day are spent, dreaming of a better tomorrow. Many of us spend too much time wondering ‘what if’ rather than taking a chance and deciding the time is now. Time waits for no one. Before we know it, a year has past and we are still dreaming. Dreaming is […]

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How to make hard choices

I was stuck, thinking about what to write for my next blog. It turns out even small decisions can be hard to make. See, making decisions is one of the most daunting tasks we face in life. It seems even small choices can feel like a matter of life or death. Whether it is deciding […]

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