
I can smell freedom.

Exams are finished, school is over and the sweet smell of summer is looming. So with this new found freedom I have decided to write some blogs, plan some adventures and buy a road bike.

The best thing about having all this time is being able to take risks, do what you love and experience things that scare the crap out of you. I’ve definitely discovered that making decisions is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do and I have spent numerous nights sitting up making a table of ‘for and against’. I don’t know who created that idea but it’s possibly one of the worst decision making tools around, particularly when you end up with as many ‘for’ as ‘against’. So, I decided that the only option would be to follow your ‘gut’.

Expect to see a heck of a lot of: food, sport and motivational quotes; Add to that as much adventure as I can find.

Thanks for having a look.


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